Let’s Talk About Double Standards


What are double standards? Why are there double standards? Several reasons why I suppose. Your boss hates you, your friend expects more than you can give, relatives may think you have it easier than they do. The list goes on and on.

Double standards….here’s an example of what they are. Your boss gives you a task that everyone hates. This task use to be a roation for all employees, but not anymore, now you get the task everyday on top of the other work load you already have.

Your friends needs you more than you need him. He has a big heart and will give to you just enough to keep the friendship. The favors he asks of you sometimes are easy, but as soon as he asks for something you can’t do for him, Shit hits the fan and he throws at you all the things he has done for you.

You have a relative that thinks they have it worse than you do even tho they don’t know your whole life story. They make this public to whoever they can because they would rather be stuck in their own pitty party than ask for facts.

Hurtful things said can pierce someone into a state of mind no one wants to be in. Everyone has their own life problems. It may seem some people have it worse than others but the fact is they more than likely don’t.

And life has it’s fun enjoyable times too. Don’t let hurtful words destroy a family. People are more important than things. Peoples’ hearts are more important than different situations.

Comparing situation bring pain to everyone. It’s not healthy to compare life situations to your own. Families need to be there for each other not stay bitter. Life is too short to hold grudges. Forgive and forget. Love and be loved. We all do the best we can.

Copyright © 2015 By Jean Powell. All Rights Reserved.