Part 2 Shame On You For Hurting Me. Shame On Me For Trusting You.

This is how I was able to move on from the pain my past therapist caused me.

After blogging part one was the first step in my healing process. That helped get rid of my anger and emotional pain.

The second step was to realize I don’t have to own this pain. The more time passed I was able to start letting go of the pain.

I used many DBT skills I had been taught. It was automatic for some skills. I did turn to a new DBT therapist and telling him the experiences I went through with my past therapist and her best friend helped tremendously.

He was very validating and gave me wise mind suggestions how to get through the stages of abandonment and allow myself to face the facts to heal.

I trust him and use the skills he is giving me to let go and live in the present moment.

He opened my eyes to see that I actually had been with the wrong therapist all along. I was better off seeing a therapist that teaches me versus venting on me.

I am seeing this DBT therapist on a regular basis. I feel free of all that anger and hurt. I let go of what happened to me. I now feel my power is back and I’m in wise mind again.

I appreciate my new therapist and trust him completely. I’m still learning. I’m in a better place in my mind now. I will continue to work hard to stay in this state of mind.

Copyright (c) 2018 by Jean Rhymoreason Powell. All Rights Reserved.

America The Free

Really? Are we really free? That is a redundant question. No, we are not free! Hell no. We are food for the sharks.  The Lobbyists have us all caged in like guppies. Wall Street owns the president therefore wall street owns America. The rich are for the rich. They leave the poor to fend for themselves. 

 The president has stated he is going to allow health insurance companies to deny all preexisting health conditions.  Everyone in America has preexisting health conditions!

Let them cuz what will happen is no one in America will have health insurance and the health insurance companies will have no clients. No clients means no premiums which means bankrupt insurance companies. No one can pay hospital bills because their preexisting health issues prevent them from being insured so we all file bankruptcy or let the healthcare bills go into collections. 

This will start a political war between hospitals and Insurance companies. Has this thought been brought to the presidents attention?????…..what will the world look like when mental illness medication is not paid for by insurance companies?……

Imagine people off their meds due to being too poor to pay for them. The mood disorders will throw them into a rollercoaster of panic. The anxiety ridden people will become paranoid. Paranoia causes guards to go up and that’s when people will be fighting and killing each other.

Their anger will be felt by everyone in their path.  People will lose their jobs. Fear will be everywhere you go. Even the mentally healthy will become paranoid with fear from those untreated all around them.

Riots and stealing to survive will fill our streets. Everything everyone has worked for all their lives will be gone before their eyes in seconds. Is this what us Americans need?! Is this giving us freedom?! Hell No!

The world will never be America The Free. We will be circled like Hungary sharks. There’s nothing we can do to change it. Only someone from the top can.  As for me I’m just going to say it is what it is. I’m sick of being concerned about any of the political empty promises anymore. 

The government has failed us. A fact is a fact. And when day comes that all I have is the clothing I’m wearing and the family I love dearly next to me, I can say I feel Free.

Copy (C) Rights 2017 by Jean Powell All Rights Reserved

Same Pattern, Same Routine


The Christians aren’t acting christains at all. None of them are following the constitution of government nor are they living their lives as it reads in the bible. “Do not judge or you will be judged in the same likeness.” “Take the plank out of your own eye before pointing out the sliver in your neighbors eye.”

I am so sick of the churches protesting and trying to get the government to change the constitution to benefit themselves. If everyone would keep track of themselves the world would have more peace. Why does it even concern them that other people want to be themselves and live life the way they want. What happened to the right to freedom?

The gay, lezbian, bisexual and transgender is not hurting anyone. They are not physically targeting the christains. All christains can keep their beliefs and live freely the way they want. No one is trying to convince them to stop living as a christain.

I am so sick of hearing the christains boycotting due to not approving the way others live their lives.  Christains should never be concerned about anyone else but themselves. It’s gotten to the point churches do more harm than good.

I know there are churches that do follow the constitution and stay out of everyone else’s business. The churches that can’t stop causing chaos should be banned from using their beliefs to try to control the world and government.

Revelations is truly happening just like it is written in the bible. Wars among churches. War within the government. Wars with other countries. The world is being destroyed one act at a time.

There are more gangs and muderers than ever before. How about we start praying and getting ready for the end of the world instead of getting in everyone’s business. If they don’t like how others live their lives then avoid them.

Christain step back and take a look at the big picture here. You are causing war instead of peace. These kind of church beliefs is not what God wants. Read the bible and pray for insite. Leave your neighbor alone. Stay in your own life. The world will be a better place. God created all of us and Christ died for all of us. Only He is in control. Christains are not!!!!!!!!

Copy Rights (c) 2016 by Jean Powell
All Rights Reserved.